Sunday, December 26, 2010


Remember that so called "blizzard" I told you about?
Well, the so called "blizzard" never happened. Weeks later, we were swamped with even more snow then the blizzard. Fast forward a few months, and I'm home in Virginia for Christmas. Here, snow is a rarity. Sure, we get our occasional downfalls, but none really more than three inches.

Yesterday, It started snowing like any usual snowy day.

It stopped for a bit...and then kept snowing.and snowing. AND snowing.

Guess what?

It's still snowing.

Church was cancelled; so we all bundled up and stayed in.

And so we stayed in, made gingerbread houses, watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, had a devotional and played some games.

Well,We definitely had a white Christmas.

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