Friday, June 24, 2011

Flashmob, round 2!

While I was out in Salt Lake, our Improv Club hosted a flashmob in and around temple square of random proposals.(I was NOT ever engaged...)

A flashmob is when you have a group of people together and organize a random out burst of something. Most of the time, it's just breaking out into music and dancing.

Last weekend my family and I went to Colonial Williamsburg the day after the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert-

Which,the concert was (as always is!) amazing. They had the governor as an honorary conductor for the encore song; which was just as funny to watch. They sang one of my favorite songs-betelehemu; which sounds just as awesome live. We also got to preview the soundtrack and talk with Mack Wilburg after the soundcheck before the concert.
The next day, we went off to Colonial Willasmburg for their re-enactment of historical events (watch this video and this one for a bit more feel of the whole thing.) The choir after the re-enactment was over, sang a patriotic song for all of us first. At first, some were confused as to what was going on.
Then the announcer requested us to pull out our song copies of the old patriotic song, Yankee Doodle. The announcer afterwords, then went on to announce that we had just sung with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

This was pretty much, the most awesome-est experience I've had yet here in Williamsburg. I hope they do this again.

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