Monday, August 2, 2010

Plan B.

Life is an adventure. Sooner or later you will have to take a risk, any risk. Plan A hasn't ever really worked out for me. But it's also funny how plan B was really a much better plan in the first place. One of the few things you should know about me is that I am HORRIBLE at making decisions. Give me a menu and i can literally take an hour to make up my mind of what i want because there is simply to many options. When big opportunities come, it takes me more than hours to decide and i have to do the pros and cons list...which may take days. Research, Study, Search, Ponder and Pray; is my motto.
But it comes to the point where we have to take blind leaps, or as some people call them, blind leaps of faith. Something may happen along the way, where something just doesn't seem right in your fail proof plan. Maybe, just maybe, there is a much grander scheme of things, just waiting for you to reach out and grasp it. Blind leaps of faith aren't really my thing. But funnily enough, it's how everything has worked out for me. I hadn't planned on going to the business college, but now i understand why. I hadn't planned on staying home for the summer, but now i understand the blessings from it. I hadn't planned on being an interior design major and understand the importance of it.
Heavenly Father knows best and is full of plan B's. Just brace yourself.

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