Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blizzard? Sure....

There's two things you should know about Utah. There's only two kinds of weather here. Snow and Construction. It's rather annoying to drive on a highway with orange cones everywhere with no construction anywhere to be seen.
Since last night and early today, the entire state of Utah has been in a state of warning for a blizzard of 4-8 inches. Really? For a typical Boise, Idaho storm it was calculated that the average of their snow fall would be anywhere from 20.6 inches.
Bring on the snow.
After several phone calls, texts, devotional announcements from the college classes are cancelled, and it was time to go out stock up.(Whatever happened to being prepared here?) Walmart and Costco were both insane, I've never seen so many stupid drivers in one area.
I actually kind of would like being snowbound if i didn't have a flight tomorrow. It's going to be an epic kind of an evening. With friends later, I just might head out into the snow....

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